
Standard Psychoeducational Assessment

This Assessment consists of two 3-hour appointments. The purpose of this assessment is to identify if an individual qualifies for a neurodevelopmental disorder (i.e. Learning Disability, Intellectual Disability, ADHD, etc.). Each assessment consists of a Cognitive Assessment (IQ), an Achievement Assessment (Academic) and Social-Emotional Screener. In some cases some other areas may be assessed including: Memory, Executive Functioning, Language, ADHD symptoms, and/or Adaptive Skills. Each assessment also includes an individualized report and a meeting.

Deluxe Psychoeducational Assessment

This Assessment comprises three 3-hour assessment appointments as well as a one-hour parent meeting (if applicable). This assessment includes a Cognitive assessment (IQ), Achievement Assessment (Academic), an Executive Functioning Assessment and Memory Assessment as well as a Social-Emotional Screener. In some cases another assessment may be required in areas such as Language, Visual-spatial abilities, ADHD symptoms, and Adaptive Skills.

The purpose of this assessment is to determine if an individual meets criteria for a neurodevelopmental disability and provides the most precise recommendations for supports.

Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assessments can be completed as a stand alone assessment, or added onto Standard/Deluxe assessments. This assessment includes an Adaptive Functioning assessment, as well as a Behavioural Assessment. The purpose of this assessment is to determine if an individual meet criteria for ASD and provide precise support recommendations.  

Other Psychoeducational Assessment

Depending on the needs of the individual, in some cases a shorter or only partial assessment is needed. In these cases it is recommended to contact us directly to discuss you/your child’s needs and to receive a quote for the services. 

Book your free, no obligation consultation here, or contact us at 226-582-9933 or email